After waiting a life-time: through an inexorably long season of singleness, two pregnancies that resulted in the birth of two bouncing beautiful baby boys, chronic back-pain, and a rigorous paper-pregnancy . . . I finally have a longed-for little girl. It is fun, frustrating and fabulous having another girl in the house. It's also immeasurably joyful. The joys of having a daughter come at unexpected times, in surprising ways.
My soul smiles when she wants to help me 'make dinner' in the kitchen each night as the boys race 'round the house or sit transfixed by video games. Joy comes when she sees me crying and pats me on the back in a distinctly feminine gesture of healing care. It also bursts into being when she wants to help me wash my hair as we're bathing together. Or when we're at the Jewel and Emily says, "Mom, can I wear your purse? Then I can be the mommy and you can be the gorgeous girl."
On Valentine's Day, it was Em's pony tails that did it. Ribboned in red and pi

How has joy stuck to you today? In a note from a friend? A new word on the lips of your two-year-old? A verse from the bible that spoke straight to your heart? A kiss from your man? An unexpected e-mail? Pony tails?
If you feel lead, please share some of your joy and enlarge our circle of faith & friendship!

Ahh, Sally,
Well, you know I'm loving this discussion...gotta love pony tails:) Emily's certainly are precious.
My JOY comes in so many ways each day, but, today had to be my precious gift of time spent with my oldest Daughter, Jenny...she will be, UGH, 18 this year:( I miss her little pony tails and yet I marvel at her young lady beauty, both inside and outside...she has a pure heart of gold...she would not think so and she would not say that about herself, but, I have always JOYFULLY known that to be true. I love her and after spending some time with her today on a lovely, sunny February shopping spree day:) I realize I continue to learn from her and love her even more than I thought was possible. Thanks for sharing your JOY and listening to mine,
Hugs to you and your sweetie, Emily,
It is good to hear that this kind of joyful love continues and grows as our children do.
Hugs to you and yours, too, Diane!
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