Dearest Sally,
My precious daughter . . . I am so proud of you and the ways you've walked with me, especially throughout these young-mommy years. You have done much with the creative gifts I've given. What a wonderful choice I made in the beginning - entrusting you with the gift of word and Word. Seeds of truth and beauty sprinkle around the globe because of My faithfulness (and yours!). The fruit from your life is an orchard of sweet sustenance for so many.
I am writing to bless you, and to remind you that I never leave my work unfinished. I created you with a rich imagination and a poetic way with words. Your writing journey will not be aborted for two simple reasons: 1) I do not destroy that which I have created; 2) I cannot leave things incomplete.
I am a writer, too, and I know how difficult it can be to loose word in a sin-soaked world. But, I have promised that my Word will not return to me empty. Please trust that the garden of your life will bloom and grow through the cycling, weather-blessed seasons. The next writing project given will be the right one, winded and sown at the right time, so that lives will be seasoned and strengthened. The harvest is plenty, the workers few. You are being used, my faithful seed-sower.
I am water. I am wine. I am manna and miracle-maker. I call you to an even deeper place of peace and promise. Trust that what I have said is true. You bless and encourage me, dear one. Do not grow weary, but instead be strengthened by my perfect provisions.
Your vine and forever inspiration,
The words, written by my dear friend, stuck in the azure envelope and mailed to me, were the utterances of God for me. They landed in my mailbox during a week when I was worried, exhausted, bedraggled because it seemed that the fruit of my writing labor was shriveling on the branch.
The funny thing is that earlier that morning, I had taken my daughter, Emily, to the library for storytime. At the children's desk, I grabbed the February copy of CHICAGO PARENT MAGAZINE. (They chose one of my stories as the cover feature and I wanted to check out the layout and photographic treatment.) I stuck the magazine in my bag, enjoyed stories with Em, and once home tossed the magazine on my kitchen counter. As it landed, the magazine's robin's egg blue cover collided with - really kissed - the envelope that held my Letter from God.

Touching, the two papers of promise proved to be the exact same shade of blue. The serendipity was undeniable. It was as if God was in my kitchen saying, "I am giving you work. I am using your words. They hold all the promise of spring's bright blue vernal eggs."
Have you ever imagined what God might say to you in a letter? Use the letter beautifully penned by my friend. Replace your name and personal circumstances. Receive God's love and graces and Good Words for your life.
Or, perhaps, you have a friend in need like I was. Maybe, over the next few days, you'll find inspiration to scribble a Letter from God to her. If you do, and want to share, feel free to add your letter as a comment. I'm sure your words - on behalf of God - will be an encouragement to others who need a Good Word . . . a GOD WORD!
The Word was first,
lovethe Word present to God,
loveGod present to the Word.
The Word was God,
lovein readiness for God from day one.
The Word became flesh and blood,
loveand moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes,
lovethe one-of-a-kind glory,
lovethe one-of-a-kind glory,
lovelike Father, like Son,
Generous inside and out,
lovetrue from start to finish.
John 1:1 & 14 MSG
Sal, I would love for you to post some of the articles you've written - at least say what magazines. When I looked up Chicago Parent Mag online and did a search for "Sally Miller," several articles came up! I'm looking forward to some fun reading! More! More! -Beth T
Hi Beth,
Thanks for reading and writing again! I will definitely post more of my parenting, adoption, and faith & friendship articles. Stay tuned for more!
And, thanks again for the cards, I find myself thinking about your creativity, your growing business; and considering who might be the recipients of your beautiful handwork!
Love you,
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