Friday, June 12, 2009

Two Poems on a Sunday

In church last Sunday our worship leader placed crayons and paper at the end of each row. He invited us to draw a picture or write a poem about forgiveness. The first poem came quickly like my second child. The next followed as if it were a tenacious twin. I'm not sure if the poems are related. But, I offer them - together - here.


It takes longer than a day
Process: wheel turning on the
cracked, broken and bumpy
waylaid road of my soul

I give to him a gift of quenching
Freedom that washes away
control, rage that burned like
a forest fire in our family room

Quenching, slaking, washing away
the wild, circling, bitter helix of
familial sin

Releasing him and daily, surreptitiously


Gladness dripping down my
forehead like nectar of ripe
tangerine in summer:
sweet and sticky, fresh with
life and blessing
seal and expectation

In purse or pocket warmed
by body heat, waiting to
salve an open sore or
scarred wound with the ointment
of joy which comes

in the mourning

Lord, thank you for forgiving us. Be with all of who who daily offer the gift of forgiveness to those who have hurt us . . . to those we love. Bestow your healing, hope and help. Amen.

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