This month my speaking calendar is plump and juicily awaits me like a big, round, red apple. It seems especially enticing after the last few months of being cloistered at my writing desk working on my latest project, God's Girls: 1o Women Who've Encountered Divine Love, How You Can, Too.
Research for the book has taken me on virtual tours second century Palestine, Medieval England, China, and Germany during WW II. As I've figuratively journeyed, I've met faith-filled women ranging from Harriet Tubman to Jullian of Norwich, Xiao Min to Gomer, The Woman of Bleeding to Joan of Arc and Pocahontas. As stimulating, sagacious, even miraculous as these women are; I can't wait too look into the eyes of some living women.
With riant expectation, I anticipate sharing stories with these women, hearing their stories, praying, laughing, crying, connecting shoulder to shoulder, soul to soul! As I prepare messages, pack bags, kiss my kids goodbye for a couple rare and glorious weekends, I'm praying two prayers, April's Prayers, which I pray any time I'm called on to speak:
God be in my head,
love And in my understanding;
God be in my eyes,
love And in my looking;
God be in my mouth,
love And in my speaking;
God be in my heart,
love And in my thinking;
God be at my end,
love And at my departing
(a paraphrase)
Set us free, O God, to cross barriers for you,
As You crossed barriers for us.
Spirit of God, make us open to others in listening,
Generous to others in giving,
And sensitive to others in praying.
We pray for our ministry; from today and always may we:
Look upon each person we meet with the eyes of Christ;
Speak to each person we meet with the words of Christ;
And go wherever we are led with the peace of Christ.
You have a beautiful and blessed heart. I'm so thankful how God has so wonderously knit you together.
julie mac
You're the BEST, Jules!
Don't know what I'd do without you.
Peace out,
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