Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grateful Heart



My family has just returned from a couple days away at a little cabin in the woods. We followed trail blazes on oak leaf covered paths, saw cedar waxwings, stepped on mushrooms and watched their spores ascend into the air like smoke. The kids collected sticks, rocks and feathers. I collected memories.

We performed balance beam routines on fallen pine trunks, warmed our hands and faces by Bry's fire, feasted on roasted turkey and buttered potatoes, slept under quilts; awoke to hot coffee and sunshine sneaking surreptitiously into our dwelling. Surrounded by fresh air and the love of family, I couldn't help but feel unquenchably grateful. In an endless circle, a voice deep within my spirit whispered, Thank you, God . . . Thank you, God . . . Thank you, God!

Were there no God we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts and no one to thank. - Christina Rossetti, 1830-1894

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