Greetings, All! Happy New Year to you and yours!God has sowed his image . . .
He sows the seed of the divine nature . . .
The seed of God in us.
If the seed is a good, wise and industrious cultivator,
it would thrive and grow up into God.
-Meister Eckhart
This fall I began the journey that is seminary in Hyde Park, Chicago. The course work, crazy commute and new connections with fellow seminarians has kept me away from the
blogosphere. However, I am continuing to minister to women on weekend retreats and at other evening and morning gatherings. Several Directors of Women's Ministry have asked about my current and new offerings for this coming spring.
I am thrilled to list a bevy of new topics below. Because of the Soul Work I am doing in seminary, the offerings are on the deeper side. Their purpose is to help women reach their roots more deeply into the Living Water, to wait in Hope, and to rest in the Peace of God's presence. (I am aware that many seasoned sojourners in faith invite friends who are exploring Christianity for the first time to your gatherings, as well. For these women there will also be something to glean: an Opening, a Welcome, an Invitation to taste and see that the Lord is Good.)
If you are interested in receiving more information (i.e. details about the content and direction of each offering) you may contact me directly. Or, if you need books, brochures or other information please contact Julie
MacManus, my Personal Relations Assistant. Contact information is below. Thanks for visiting
Girl Talk . . . God Talk!GIRL TALK . . . GOD TALK RETREATS & CONFERENCES for SPRING 2011WE WILL REMEMBER: Exploring Early Memories to Reveal & Heal HeartsIn a three day intensive retreat offering, Sally works with women in recalling early childhood memories. In a creative, interactive, story-rich format, Sally will giude women in using these memories as vehicles to reveal deep truths about their souls and lives. In small groups women will share their stories, pray together, and apply truths Sally provides from scripture. These truths will offer healing, life-affirming blessings relating to our: True Names, The Ways We See Others, Place in this World, and Identity in Christ.GOD'S PEOPLE STILL DREAM: Listening for Wisdom that Comes in the DarkThis two or three day retreat takes a fresh and illuminating look at the dreams of God's people found in the scriptures: Joseph's dreams, the dream leading the Wise Men to Christ, dream material from Genesis, Joseph's dreams, and others. Then, with biblically based tools for interpreting the dreams God is giving women in your group today, we will find wisdom and insight about our own lives and about God. Other offerings for spring include, but are not limited to:
- SOUL SISTERS: The Art of Making Spiritual Friends
- FORGIVENESS: A Journey of Letting Go
- SOUL STRETCHES: 10 Creative Ways to Live in the Moment
- PRAYING YOUR DAY: A Contemporary Look at The Divine Hours
- QUIET SOUL: The Beauty Found in Waiting
Blessings on each of you as you minister. May your own Soul Seeds grow into God-likeness. May your roots reach deeper, your branches lengthening and strengthening toward the Light in a kind of human
heliotropism as you grow into your True Self.