A Breath Prayer
My life has been carried, saved, sustained in so many ways by this breath prayer:
Jesus Christ
Lamb of God
Have Mercy on me
A Sinner
My friend, Cheri, taught me this beloved prayer, used by many over the years; and it has become in my life like a familiar concave of a worry rock, polished deep and smooth from use. In college, when Cher taught me the prayer, she told me to inhale as I mentally prayed the first line, exhale on the second, inhale on the third, and exhale on the last.
These days I use the breath prayer each morning as the first bit of fresh air hits my face when I let my dog out. I often breathe the prayer in the shower, in my car, at the doctor's office, in line at the grocery, in my bed as I fall asleep each night. I also pray it when I'm in a fight with Bry or if I'm feeling frustrated with my kids, if I'm struggling with physical pain or my general lot in life. The prayer has become a companion of sorts, a place to rest and feel sustained by God.
A few months ago during a day of silence and solitude (which is rare for me), I decided to write a personal Breath Prayer for this specific season of my life. I sat quietly imagining God's presence with me during the day. I tried to see his face, hear his voice, feel the touch of his hand on my shoulder.
Then, I imagined God looking directly into my eyes (my heart - even - though that may sound a little corny) asking, "Sally what do you really want right now? What is your heart's deepest desire?"
I waited and listened to the deepest quietest part in my soul. Then I wrote, "God, what I most want from you right now is to minister to women with my writing and spoken words. And, I want to feel a sense of your love and approval." I sat quietly and let the knee-shaking admission sink in.
Then, I chose one of my favorite images for God: One Who Builds Things. He had strong veined hands that gripped a huge hammer. He smelled of wood and wore denim. Sweat ran down his brow. (This mental image could be serious fodder for anyone into psychotherapy - a life Rorschach, if you will - as my husband is a carpenter!) Therapeutic sidebars aside, God turned toward me and said, "You are my daughter, chosen, marked by my love, delight of my life! I am building a ministry with you. It takes a little time. Let the ministry grow slowly, enjoy your kids and the rare moments of peaceful quiet that you have as you stay at home."
With my image of God and my heart's desire in mind, I wrote the following personal breath prayer:
Jesus Christ
Builder of Kingdoms
I receive your love
And lay down my life
Perhaps, in a still (or even mundane) moment, you may want to write your own breath prayer. If so, the following steps may help:
1. Sit quietly in God's presence
2. Imagine God addressing you personally, asking you what the desire of your heart is.
3. Chose your favorite image for God. (See him as Shepherd, Lover, Prince, Lord, Husband, Friend, Lion and Lamb, Water, Bread, Light . . . )
4. Take your heart's desire and meld it with your image of God.
5. Write a few phrases/combinations of words (there is no right or wrong way to do this).
6. Complete the prayer remembering that it should be four simple phrases (and about twelve syllables or so). You'll want it to flow freely, rhythmically so you can breathe as you pray each
7. Pray your prayer anytime . . . all the time!
If you end up writing a personal Breath Prayer, feel free to share it in the comments here. If you do, and give me permission; I'll post it on Girl Talk . . . God Talk and it may become someone else's prayer, too.